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Our Story: We are a group of Patriots on a mission to preserve our Republic of the United States of America.  While we have national allies, our efforts are focused in the State of Iowa.  ANY ELECTION THAT IS NOT ON HAND COUNTED PAPER BALLOTS IS SUBJECT TO PROBABLE FRAUD.  Regardless of your political views, your vote is sacred.  Without a true and accurate vote count, we cease to function as a Republic.  If you are compelled to defend our Country, our election process, as we do, please reach out to us!  Here you will find the truth about the Elections in Iowa, resources to help your own investigation or legal efforts, and an ally in any effort to get elections to run on HAND COUNTED PAPER BALLOTS!



Iowa Property Assessment Meme

As many property owners in Iowa are aware by now there has been a massive increase to property values in Iowa statewide.  These went out April 1st, 2023 and without the published average we would assume a 30 to 40% increase over the last assessment.  Many, anecdotally, have shared anywhere from 20 to 100% increase on their assessed property value across multiple counties across the state, myself included.

While it is true that the housing market has been a seller’s market with the covid reshuffling as well as the looming housing bubble that is reminiscent of 2008, these increases are far too substantial.  In my own case, there was a 22% increase over what I paid 2 years ago, and 10% increase over a comparable home, on my block, in much better condition.

Property owners will be reassured that the tax burden is capped at 3% growth, meaning that the tax burden doesn’t increase as much as the property value, and so it may be tempting to take the extra equity, swallow the tax burden, and move on.  However, stepping outside of the view as an individual I believe there are several implications that must be considered before accepting these assessments.

  1. Given the housing market signals, it may be capturing inflated equity at a temporary high point in the market.
  2. It creates incentives for equity loans in an unstable market where these investment ROIs are risky to property owners.
  3. It makes housing, particularly for new buyers, more unaffordable.  Raises the market possibly higher than what would be negotiated otherwise.  I want an Iowa that is affordable to young families.
  4. It will likely increase the advantageous cost of living that Iowa benefits from relative to the rest of the Untied States.

For these reasons I will be protesting my assessment and hopefully getting a more reasonable value that is true to the market.  As I continue to journey through my own protest I will share information below, starting with the questions I sent to the assessor office in my county, and notes summarizing Iowa Code 441, which covers property assessments.

Questions Sent to my Assessor
  1.  By which property classification below (District/Parcel, Geo Parcel, Neighborhood) is the minimum category used in assessment calculations and potential equalization orders?
  2. How many homes fall into the same category as mine?
  3. In this same category, what is the median market price for homes sold in the time frame between most recent assessment and previous one?
  4. In this same category, what are the minimum, maximum, and using a normal distribution, the standard deviations of market price for homes sold in the time frame between most recent assessment and previous one?
  5. In this same category, what is the median year built for homes sold in the time frame between most recent assessment and previous one?
  6. In this same category, what are the minimum, maximum, and using a normal distribution, the standard deviations of the year built for homes sold in the time frame between most recent assessment and previous one?
  7. In this same category, how many homes were physically assessed and was my home one of them?
  8. Does any form of human intelligence regarding the property owner, for example their occupation and income, factor into any calculations?
  9. What software programs does the Polk County Assessor office use in assessing property value by specific name?
  10. Do any of the computer programs and tools utilized by Polk County Assessor office use artificial intelligence features like machine learning, algorithm building, or neural network databases?



Grassley RESTRICT act

Letter to Grassley on TikTok Ban (S686 RESTRICT Act)

To: senator@grassley.senate.gov

Dear Senator Grassley, 

I am a citizen of the state of Iowa and I am writing you concerning the RESTRICT act:  https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/senate-bill/686/text, which some have referred to as the “Tik Tok ban”.  On GovTrack US, https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/118/s686/cosponsors, it states that you cosponsor this bill. 

This legislation is not about Tik Tok but rather gives more powers to the Federal Government surveillance apparatus and our right to privacy.  In is the largest overstep since the Patriot Act, which is referenced in the bill somewhat combining with those powers.  Singularly pointing out Tik Tok is a false premise to begin with, and is filled with hypocrisy.  Why is that Facebook and Twitter get a pass for their misinformation, censorship, selling and transfer of data, and direct election interference?  Why is it that smart phone OEM manufacturers that facilitate app stores and hardware enabling such abilities get ignored?  If you really wanted us to find out the truth about Twitter election interference, Del Harvey, Twitter’s Head of Trust and Safety, would have been subpoenaed for testimony.   

This Bill gives the Secretary of Commerce, a political position, unilateral and broad authority to deem whatever he or she likes, by the definitions in this bill, to allow for Government overreach into the lives of American Citizens regarding their digital privacy.  Furthermore, as the bill is written, only congress can intervene, post de facto, after lives could be potentially ruined by mis-categorization of individuals online for whatever political purposes you can imagine.  The broad powers and lack of oversight are a direct insult to Americans that have already suffered through FISA court abuse, NSA and Intelligence meta data collection without warrant, and the surveillance, censorship, and data commercialization of Americans by phone manufacturers and software developers.  All things which you have stood by on.   

For having served as a senior member of the intelligence committee, sponsorship of such bills only tarnishes whatever political legacy you hope to leave behind.  I ask that you rescind your support, and pledge commitment to vote against it.  Honor your oath and respect the rights of American Citizens.



    It is hard for most people to accept there is large fraud in the U.S. elections, and even harder in the state of Iowa.  In general, Iowa has followed a centrist policy that seems to satisfy both major parties over time.  We have large rural areas and a few big liberal cities that seem to coexist at the moment, and have for some time.  Gov. Reynold’s has been one of the top Governors through the pandemic, in terms of least covid restrictions, and maintained a budget surplus that has created favorable tax laws. Iowa also has much better election laws like voter id, no mass mailed out ballots, and absentee voting limited to 20 days before election. 

The Secretary of State Paul Pate likes to also reassure people that Iowa has the 3rd most secure election of the 50 States.  And so, with this favorable situation, and the perception of election integrity why wouldn’t the average Iowan go along with the status quo?

Well anyone with a notion that we have secure elections may change one’s mind, when they realize the same MIT list that ranks us third in election security, ranks Wisconsin fourth, and ranks Arizona sixteenth, despite their blatant problems in the 2020 and 2022 elections.

jackie chan

The truth is that any voting process that is executed through a machine instead of hand counted paper ballots counted in a single night, is susceptible to fraud, and in fact is already subject to said fraud we believe.  The process of elections is complicated, which is telling in itself, why would simply adding choices into a cumulative total be so complicated?  It shouldn’t be.  We have had no issues in the past hand counting ballots, and any fraud in that process can be more easily tied to an individual counting in a precinct, it is also much easier to recount and audit for because the mechanism of counting isn’t some code hidden from all of us.  We are expected to trust companies with dubious ties, that we know nothing about, to have exclusive access to the counting of our votes.

The tangled process of elections started with the HAVA Act passed in 2002, which aimed to modernize elections. It created federal standards for voting machines through a new commission at that time, the Election Assistance Commission (EAC), and so while elections are technically in the jurisdiction of the States, the new law over time brought machines which brought “critical infrastructure”, networks, big data, several companies offering digital services to all aspects of the election process, and ultimately, oversight from the Cybersecurity an Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), which is an agency of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). 

In essence it has been quasi federalized with forced use of voting machines. It should be clear to everyone. The Federal Government has no business in our local elections, nor would we need them with hand counted paper ballots.

Each state has codified the HAVA Act into their state law to some varying degrees which attempts to close the state to federal loophole. This creates some differences State by State, but two things I can tell you for sure: 1. Per the affidavit of Tore Maras there is most likely a trapdoor mechanism that can alter our votes. 2. There is questionable oversight of the voting machines via EAC policies. We sued the Secretary of State for both these topics. We have sourced every machine in use in the state of Iowa to lack of proper EAC certification which we simplified into the following table.   You can read more about it and download a copy of what we filed on our lawsuit page.


        Elections in the state of Iowa are ultimately under the administration of the Secretary of State (SoS). County precincts flow through the administration of the County Auditor up to the Secretary of State. In Iowa we use hand marked ballots that are counted by a machine tabulator. The machines are approved by the State Board of Examiners, which is made up three members assigned by the SoS, with at least one trained in cybersecurity, and no more than one in the same political party. Precinct election workers verify voter registration and ID and direct voters to feed the tabulators with their ballots when they are finished voting. They count the total ballots for any anomaly but not the votes on the ballots themselves. This is fed into a black box, meaning what goes in and out of it is a mystery. See Iowa Code §52 and the Iowa Admin Code 721 §22 for the precise legal details of the election process.


There are many mechanisms for fraud, some of which Iowa has safeguarded against, some which major figures have influenced us to singularly focus on like ballot harvesting. 

However, A vote is not a ballot, and how the votes are counted is the fundamental mechanism for fraud. A fraud that could not take place if we counted the votes ourselves, and whose results we could more easily audit to people in our community entrusted to count it accurately.

The fraud is in the machines. The truth is that at the moment the people that win our elections are either allowed to win, or selected to win, at the will of those who have access to the trapdoor mechanism.


DISCLAIMER: We are not lawyers, we cannot offer legal advice, we hope however, to share the truth we find along the way of our journey, and encourage others to express their civil rights as well.