Letter to Grassley on TikTok Ban (S686 RESTRICT Act)
To: senator@grassley.senate.gov
Dear Senator Grassley,
I am a citizen of the state of Iowa and I am writing you concerning the RESTRICT act: https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/senate-bill/686/text, which some have referred to as the “Tik Tok ban”. On GovTrack US, https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/118/s686/cosponsors, it states that you cosponsor this bill.
This legislation is not about Tik Tok but rather gives more powers to the Federal Government surveillance apparatus and our right to privacy. In is the largest overstep since the Patriot Act, which is referenced in the bill somewhat combining with those powers. Singularly pointing out Tik Tok is a false premise to begin with, and is filled with hypocrisy. Why is that Facebook and Twitter get a pass for their misinformation, censorship, selling and transfer of data, and direct election interference? Why is it that smart phone OEM manufacturers that facilitate app stores and hardware enabling such abilities get ignored? If you really wanted us to find out the truth about Twitter election interference, Del Harvey, Twitter’s Head of Trust and Safety, would have been subpoenaed for testimony.
This Bill gives the Secretary of Commerce, a political position, unilateral and broad authority to deem whatever he or she likes, by the definitions in this bill, to allow for Government overreach into the lives of American Citizens regarding their digital privacy. Furthermore, as the bill is written, only congress can intervene, post de facto, after lives could be potentially ruined by mis-categorization of individuals online for whatever political purposes you can imagine. The broad powers and lack of oversight are a direct insult to Americans that have already suffered through FISA court abuse, NSA and Intelligence meta data collection without warrant, and the surveillance, censorship, and data commercialization of Americans by phone manufacturers and software developers. All things which you have stood by on.
For having served as a senior member of the intelligence committee, sponsorship of such bills only tarnishes whatever political legacy you hope to leave behind. I ask that you rescind your support, and pledge commitment to vote against it. Honor your oath and respect the rights of American Citizens.